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About the Beginners’ Sites Network

The domain was registered to encourage a network of web-sites for linking, hosting or mirroring resources of various technologies and field of endeavour.

List of Beginners’ Sites

Other Lists and Resources

Add Your Own Site

We would welcome new sites into our network. If you have such a site, or are interested in setting one up, then contact Shlomi Fish and he will be able to add your site to the list, and provide some other * services. Note that your site should conform to the guiding philosophy of our network.

Philosophy and Guidelines of the Beginners’ Sites

  1. The original text and media in the beginners sites should be licensed under free and open source/artwork licences such as the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-by) or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence. On the other hand they may mirror or link to resources under different licences, as long as their licensing terms allows that, or they acquired permission from the author to do so.

  2. The sources for the sites (scripts, templates, etc.) should be versioned in a public-facing and open-source version control repository.

  3. The sites should have some amount of central control and organisation to maintain their high quality. Otherwise, the choice of a content-management system does not matter too much.

  4. It should be easy to find resources in the beginner sites.

  5. The sites should each have a consistent look and feel, a comprehensive navigation menu, and other navigational aids.

  6. Please make sure the markup is as standards-compliant, as portable and as clean as possible.

Page by Shlomi Fish ( ). Please send me any comments, suggestions, bugs (and hopefully fixes ;). Please note that I understand English and Hebrew.